by Julie Clarke | Dec 27, 2017 | Resources, Therapy
Clients unless they are mandated to attend therapy can quit at any point. If you are in therapy and thinking about quitting, here is what you need to know. Do not to quit abruptly. Honour your therapy experience by talking openly and honestly with your therapist about...
by Julie Clarke | Dec 13, 2017 | Emotions, Parent Consultation, Relationships, Resources, Therapy
The teenage years are tumultuous at best; it is an in between period, no longer a child and not yet an adult. I talk a lot about this with the teens and families I work with. It is important I think to introduce this idea for teens and their positive adult support;...
by Julie Clarke | Nov 29, 2017 | Parent Consultation, Resources, Therapy
As a Child and Youth Care Practitioner working with children, youth and families for many years now I appreciate the opportunity to discuss this topic. I believe it is helpful to understand there is a process towards helping support children as they engage in...
by Julie Clarke | Nov 15, 2017 | Emotions, Resources
I previously worked in a field that had me travelling. I had small children at home and being away from them for any period of time was not ideal for me. Day to day I was going through the motions of being present physically, because that was what was expected of me...