Embark on a transformative journey as our captivating video series continues to unfold, guiding you through the intricacies of somatic therapy. In these short videos, designed for those at the beginning stages of training, we delve deeper into the heart of somatic practice. Capture the essence of this immersive experience by exploring the high points and addressing the common queries that arise during this phase.
Julie and Candy provide practical tips, tricks, and ideas that expand your knowledge and assist you in incorporating somatic work into your practice. Take a “deep dive” into the realm of somatic therapy and unlock the potential for profound healing, self-awareness, and embodied well-being. Join us on this enlightening adventure and embrace the limitless possibilities that await. Together, let’s nurture a harmonious connection between your mind and body, igniting a transformative path towards holistic healing and personal growth.
Disclaimer: This series is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a form of self help or psychotherapy. Please contact a regulated healthcare professional licensed in your area.