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Bonus Episode

Have you struggled with an unpleasant experience with pleasure and/or your sexuality? Today my conversation with Tracy Montgomery, a Certified Sexological Bodyworker and somatic sex educator helps to normalize why pleasure is important in your life. How uncomfortable is not unsafe and what this means including the notion that we can trust ourselves to know when something is right. Tracy talks about getting turned onto life and how we can change the world when we feel good about ourselves. We also talk about being mindful, present and in the moment and how something like shame disconnects us from being present in our own body. Shame is pleasure interrupted in our bodies – when we avoid the bad stuff we can’t feel the good.

Please note, any and all information provided by this podcast should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional guidance that may be relevant to your own personal situation. This podcast is not intended to be a substitute for mental health therapy.

Show Notes:

Tracy Montgomery – https://www.tracymontgomery.ca/

Somatic Sex Educators Association – https://somaticsexeducator.com/

Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers – http://sexologicalbodyworkers.org/

Institute for the Study of Somatic Sexology – http://instituteofsomaticsexology.com/