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Episode 4

Together with my colleague Sarah Terwilligar https://www.sarahterwilligar.com we discuss aspects of our new virtual eating disorder caregiver coaching group program which in this episode includes a discussion about social media and the comparative nature of this medium; how this can impact language we use specific to dieting/calories/body image/self-esteem. We also discuss a spectrum of where one may land in terms of disordered eating or eating disorders and the importance of accepting your own body rather than living up to social media perception. This is one of a series of episodes on the topic of eating disorders and disordered eating so stay tuned!

Please note, any and all information provided by this podcast should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional guidance that may be relevant to your own personal situation. This podcast is not intended to be a substitute for mental health therapy.

Show notes:

Sarah Terwilligar https://www.sarahterwilligar.com

Virtual Eating Disorder Caregiver Coaching Group https://julieclarketherapy.com/eating-disorder-caregiver-coaching-group-application/

Cosmo magazine and Wal-Mart – http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/walmart-cosmopolitan-magazine-1.4596726

Weight Watchers

